
Showing posts from March, 2012


The RBI vide A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 96 & 97 dated 28th March, 2012 has liberalized the provisions related to Overseas Direct Investment. The objective is to provide operational flexibility to Indian Corporate having investment abroad or Indian resident individuals to acquire securities aboard. ; Key terms of circular are outlined below:   Liberalised provision relating to Corporate having investment abroad  

Obtain Valuation for Your Business

What is Business Valuation? Mr. Chander Sawhney Vice President +9810557353 Business Valuation is a process to estimate the economic worth of stakeholders' interest in a business. To determine the value of any business, the reasons for an circumstances surrounding the business valuation must be per-ascertained. These are formally known as the 'standard of value" and "premise of value". To be precise, the "standard of value" is the hypothetical condition under which the business is valued and the "premise of value" relates to the assumptions upon which the valuation is based. Key Facts of Business Valuation Price is not the same as value The value of a business is not the selling price  of the business. As Warren Buffett says, "Price is what you pay, value is what you get".


In a remarkable and well reasoned judgement, Honโ€™ble Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), vide its Order dated 4th November, 2011 in the matter of M/s. Trichy Distilleries and Chemicals Limited, deliberated upon the issue with reference to Delisting of Small Companies, as defined under the Delisting Regulations, 2009 (the Regulations). It considered the matter as to, โ€œwhether ninety percent of the public shareholders in number or shareholders holding ninety percent of the public shareholding in value irrespective of their numbers should consent to the proposal to delist a small company under Regulation 27(3)(d) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009โ€. Ms. Anjali Aggrawal Vice President +919971673336 To recapitulate, as per the provisions of Reg 27 of Delisting Regulations , following two types of Companies fall within the category of Small Companies: A Company with a paid up capital up t...

Starting A Booming Online Store In India

Starting a business requires motivation, zeal, and know how, And, most of the people in India are in fear of starting their own business because they think that it is too risky. Actual reason of people unsuccessful in their businesses Itโ€™s because most of the people donโ€™t know what theyโ€™re doing. People fail because they jump right in without doing the research They fall short because they have no hint how to market their business Mr. Manoj Kumar Vice President +919910688433 Outlining an Online Store: Find a niche market and products that can make a profit selling online Identify the gap in the market Find genuine wholesale vendors that will sell you products at rock bottom prices Sell goods online Complete Order process Market your store through Multiple traffic sources and get customers in the door without spending a dime Convince your customers to buy once they land at your website

IMI Obtains Orders to Curb Online Piracy

The menace of online piracy is increasing by the day and causes widespread copyright infringement. Piracy is the unauthorized duplication of an original recording for commercial gain without the consent of the right owner. It costs the Music Industry and the Government millions of rupees each year [1] . Taking initiative in eradicating this illegal activity, last week the Indian Music Industry (IMI), a consortium of 142 music companies including several prominent regional and national labels, obtained orders from the Calcutta High Court directing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to 104 music sites from India infringing music copyright (List of website available here Medianama ). The orders direct a total of 387 ISPs to block access to the 104 websites within 36 hours of date of intimation. These websites illegally allow the downloading of songs which results in piracy.

DLF under Continuous Scanner for Abusing Competition

Anti-monopoly watchdog CCI has again accused India's largest real estate firm DLF of abusing its dominant market position and imposing unfair conditions on home buyers, this time in its high-end residential project Magnolia in Gurgaon. The order was came up on a complaint filed by Magnolia Flat Owners' Association against DLF Universal, Haryana Urban Development Authority and the Director Town and Country Planning, Haryana, with the Competition Commission of India (CCI). DLF is a big name and holding the dominant position in the sector for development and construction of residential and commercial complexes in Gurgaon Region of Haryana, which CCI took as the relevant or geographical market for determining the dominant position in terms of the provisions of the Competition Act. It was found on report of DG that DLF issued allotment letters and apartment buyerโ€™s agreements were signed even before it got approvals from the town planner. The builder also revised the build...


Mr. Chander Sawhney Vice President +9810557353 The Honโ€™ble Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee on 16.03.2012 presented the Union Budget 2012. During the Year, as the Growth moderated and fiscal deficit widened; the Minister admitted that the overall performance has been disappointing but also attributed part of it to the Global crisis, domestic inflationary pressures and weak industrial growth.


Case Details: ZOOM LENS: Adjudicating Officer order in the matter of M/s. SKumars.Com Limited Target Company: S Limited Acquirers: Hanumesh Realtors Private Limited (โ€œHRPLโ€) Industry: Textile Merchant Banker: NA  Case Abstract:

A Mid Path Between Sebi Takeover Code and FDI Sectoral Cap

In the midst of searching a way out to enable the Indian Companies to raise FDI on the one hand and to enable the foreign investor to invest in Indian Company by ensuring the compliance of the contradictory provisions of SEBI Takeover Code and FDI Sectoral Cap , the Government is of the view that foreign investors who wish to invest in listed Indian companies that operates in sectors where FDI sectoral cap is at 26% or 49% will be advised to first acquire shares from the public through an open offer and then acquire the additional stakes.


Corporate Professionals , a group envisioned by Mr. Pavan Kumar Vijay , past President of Institute of Company Secretaries  FVH9GFWBBT3U  of India, is recognized as a destination where all paths in search of corporate solutions end. Together with Mr. Pavan Kumar Vijay ,