Foreign investment in a company

As the world turned to a global village, India leaped ahead of its Peer Countries due to its several investment opportunities, huge growth potential and favorable business environment and became a hub of Foreign Investment. The steady growth of foreign investment in the Country since the past few years has become one of the pivotal factors in determining the pace of growth of Indian Economy. The foreign Investment in India is not only a growth driver for India Inc. but it also plays a vital role in granting confidence and trustworthiness to the present as well as potential stakeholders of the organization besides earning International repute and recognition for the country. Infusion of foreign funds in the veins of Indian Economy has largely stimulated the growth of Indian Economy and with the government further liberalizing and streamlining the Foreign Investment policies and procedures, is hopefully supposed to play a crucial role even for the times to come.

Venture Capital Fund & Angel Fund Under SEBI (Alternate Investment Fund) Regulations 2012

One of the main element which could lead to the improvement in the economic condition of the Country is the increase in the inflow of foreign investment. Towards such initiative the Government has time and again being simplifying procedural aspects and making its guidelines user friendly whether such user be a Foreign investor or the investee company seeking any approval. Though such steps are steadily taken by the Government however it’s essential that a steady flow of such policies is maintained so that foreign investment for future also continues to rise.

For detailed info on FDI Policy and Procedure, please CLICK HERE

Prepared by: of Corporate Professionals Group

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