Introduction to
SEBI in the year 2002 constituted a committee on delisting of shares to inter-alia examine and review the conditions for delisting of securities of companies listed on recognized stock exchanges and suggest norms and procedures in connection therewith. The Report of the Committee was considered and accepted by SEBI Board. Pursuant to the same, SEBI vide Circular SMD/Policy/CIR – 7/ 2003 dated February 17, 2003 issued the SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003. Later in the year 2006 SEBI circulated the concept paper on new regulations which were finally published on 10th June, 2009 as SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009.

The salient features of the said new Regulations are:
Public Shareholders to be given an exit option if the company or its promoters propose to delist its securities from all the stock exchanges on which they were listed. However, no exit opportunity was required to be given in case the company continues to remain listed at stock exchanges having Nation-wide trading terminals.
- Price discovery by Reverse Book Building process.
- Option available to the promoters to accept or reject the price determined by the book building process.
- The exit option to remain open for a period of 1 year from the date of delisting.
- Time line for various activities. is a venture promoted by CorporateProfessionals group. It is designed to facilitate and ease the entire process of delisting of equity shares of a Company from any one or all of the Stock Exchanges on which it is listed. Our team comprises of professionals, being Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers and Management graduates. The team members are inspired to gain expertise in specific domain knowledge, while having skills of all service areas offered to clients. This helps them in acquiring macro view of specific projects while catering to urgent client needs. provides all the information which helps you to know the rules and regulations regarding delisting of a company, procedure to delist a company and name and address of concerned authorities, and registrars which you will need to reach for consultation and to get your company delisted.
- SUCCESSFUL OFFER CALCULATION also aims to disseminate expert knowledge and to provide a forum to ask and discuss topics on national as well as international laws, practices and events regarding delisting. You can use our various sections for this purpose mainly, Delisting Offers; Ask the Experts, Information Café and Articles. You can also search or submit research papers related to delisting in Information Cafe- Research.