Promulgation of SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014
Taking into account the wider perspective of Employee Benefit Schemes in India as well as overseas and with the intent to align the provisions of the extant regulations with the Companies Act, 2013, the Market Regulator, SEBI has floated new Regulatory framework governing the regime of Employee Welfare Programmes. These new Regulations have been named SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefit Schemes) Regulations, 2014, w.e.f. 28 October, 2014.

This move of SEBI is a welcoming step that aims at streamlining the regulatory framework with the dynamic business environment thereby ensuring transparency in the operations of the Employee Welfare Trusts on one hand and bringing all Welfare Schemes involving Shares of the Listed Entities under the regulatory arena.
With our endeavor to disseminate information upon the SEBI’s new Regulations, we have prepared a small presentation on Promulgation of SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefit) Regulations, 2014. Hope the presentation will assist you in framing strategy for rewarding the real jewels of the Organization in line with the requisite statutory compliances.